April 17, 2006

Late Once again!!!

This is the second week in succession that I am late in posting something here. But this time I Have genuine reason for that and more than one. My computer has given up its ghost and it will take some time before I can get it up and running again. I, also, have not been doing well healthwise so I missed the Sunday deadline once again.Hopefully this never happens again.

The story that I started last time can not be completed because as I began to try and complete it, it began to get really bizzare and even then I could not find a good enough ending for that. And after making you read the first part I did not want you to go through the ordeal of reading the second part and ending up even more disappointed.

Life has a habit of throwing up various surprises at regular intervals - some good some bad. Some are like earthquakes that shake the very building and foundation of our existence. When one faces such a situation in one's life, he has two choices. One is to let the debris fall on him and get buried in the broken fragments and pieces of life and the second is to sterr clear of what is shattered and past and start building afresh. The second choice,definitely, takes up a lot of courage and grit but is the one that every sensible person should go for. Though people more often than not find it really difficlt to forget what has happened to them and several end their lives. Definitely not a good choice.

But we should always try and look at the brighter side of things. Every cloud has a silver lining, and as someone has very rightly said that if all the people in the world were to put their sorrows in a heap most of us would be very happy to come back with our own set of sorrows. On that note I will take leave and hopefully I can get my computer back to work soon enough and maybe I will write a mid week special post.


Anonymous said...

Hey Riot Boy,

Every moment in life whether it's good or bad is worth living... if this post is what I think it is about... it will get better really soon. There is a light at the end of every tunnel

~Xena~ :)

Anonymous said...

hey bros ,
all these talks bout earthquakes and silver linings just coz of a compu....

man there are things that are easy to interpret and u can pick sum positives from that ,

but certain moments are really not worth living , vill tel u sum time in future

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

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