August 30, 2006

Growing a Bonsai...

I dont exactly remember when I got introduced to Bonsais.

Perhaps it was when I had gone to a friends place who had a collection of some really nice Bonsais. Since then I have always wanted to have a bonsai of my own.Its been almost 8 years now and I still havent been able to have a Bonsai of my own.

This got me thinking. We look at something and wish that we had that thing. But, we dont necessarily get it. Sometimes we dont work hard enough, sometimes our luck doesnt hold. But more often than not the fault is not in our stars but us men for we are weak. As the Great Shakespeare would say.

Anyways for me a Bonsai now represents all the things that I want but do not have. And I will have my Bonsai. I hope we all do.


otilius said...

I know what you mean. Recently, I promised someone I would send them a postcard. I have had it all ready to go for maybe a month but, for whatever reason, kept not sending it. Each day would pass without putting it in the mail. It became some weird burden.
However, finally, I mustered the will to go the extra step, by the stamp, and send the thing. Maybe you, too, will "grow the bonsai"...

Anonymous said...

Like most things in life, it takes time, dedication, and determination.

I don't believe in luck.

Blue Panther said...

@Oti: Its great that you finally sent the postcard.

@ krome: Very true...

Anonymous said...

Don't they sell little bonsai trees there? Like the kind you can even carry around? (not that you would carry it around)

I hope you get your tree. I know you'd take good care of it.

JC said...

i too love bonsai.... wanted for a long time... tried growing one but it died.... will get not but many after some years

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