September 23, 2007

BYBS - The day of the underdog

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Last night India played Australia in the semi-finals of the Twenty20 cricket World cup at Durban, South Africa. Australia are the current World champions, and are undoubtedly one of the best sides in World cricket at present. So, everyone expected them to win and India was expected to go down, fighting, at best.

But, yesterday was a different day. The Indian players lifted their games by a few notches and matched the Aussies in every aspect of the game. The match went down the wire, and it was any body's game till, eventually, India won. Yes, sir, you heard that right. India beat Australia to enter the finals of the Twenty20 World cup, and play Pakistan in the finals on Monday.

For those who know what an India-Pakistan cricket match means, no more words are needed. But for the benefit of those who don't, let me put it this way - It is like a Yankees Vs Red Sox final, but at least fifty times more explosive.

Watching the game yesterday was great fun, though at the end of the day I could not help but feel a little sorry for the Aussies. But that is the way of this world - for someone to win, another one has to lose! Maybe that is a good thing too, for a loss today sets you on the path to a victory tomorrow.

Have a great week ahead!


SandyCarlson said...

Great day for your team! Gotta love it. It's also just great to see a team improve its game.

Happy blog your blessings Sunday!

DoubleDeckerBusGuy said...

Always a blessing when your team is doing well! :)

Anonymous said...

It was a great match :)

Happy BYB Sunday and have a great week.

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! I love it when the underdog wins! The Aussies can live with a loss every now and then.

I just pray God that there is no violence as an outcome of the game between India and Pakistan. May it be a day of rejoicing only.

kuanyin333 said...

Wow...I can't imagine how intense that game must have been! My BYB post is now up, and the reason I haven't been posting is because I've been traveling! I returned home day before yesterday, and so I'm getting back into the blog-saddle again! Happy BYB Sunday!

PlanetMars said...

Losing gives us an opportunity to take a step back, study what went wrong and correct it the next time we are given the chance. Congtrats to your team!

Blue Panther said...

Sandy: It was a great day indeed. Hope they can continue the form on Monday! Happy BYB Sunday to you too.

Doubledeckerbusguy: Very true!

Msdemmie: It was! Did you watch it?
Happy BYB Sunday to you too!

Cybercelt: Yeah, A loss every now and then will only prevent them from getting too complacent. I don't think there is going to be any violence on the day of the match, it's going to be great fun though!

Kuanyin: It was pretty intense. Hope you had a good time travelling. Will check out your post right after I am done with the comment.

Planetmars: It does indeed. Thank you!

mrsnesbitt said...

Like the sound of this but when I clicked on the banner there was a problem.


Blue Panther said...

Mrsnesbitt: Oooopsss! my bad! the link works now!

Accept my apologies!

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