Health is wealth, they say, and I think most of us will agree with that.
But, at the same time, most of us will also very conveniently take good health for granted, till something goes wrong. Last week I fell ill for a couple of days, and for one day I could not even get out of the bed. It was then that I realised that I had taken my health for granted for the past some time. I had been eating what I wanted, sleeping at odd hours, and even working out in a very indisciplined manner. It took a bout of sickness to make me realise what a great blessing good health is, and how miserable we can be when we are sick.
Taking care of our physical health is very important for improving the quality of life we lead. The modern life has brought with it so many new things that we often fail to find enough time to take care of our health. As I said before, our eating habits, our sleeping habits and our exercising habits get affected for the worse, but we should not let that happen.
A very good theory that can help us take care of our bodies is to treat our body like a temple. Since God is everywhere, he is in each one of us too. And if he is in us, or body is His abode and hence a temple. We should make sure that we take good care of the temple that our body is. Just like everything in a temple is ordered and disciplined, so should be the things in our life.
Have a great and a healthy week ahead.
blue panther sirji, aaj meeting hai...aa jaanaaa..
So true, Neo. And we live in a culture that looks favorably on overworking. Somehow, it's a virtue to do too much for too many hours. Balance is so very important.
I hope you are feeling strong again.
Very true...I started taking a keen interest in my health only after I got sick :(
It's true that we don't value health until it's threatened... I guess that's true of most blessings... but three of us today mentioned the blessing of health... which is, indeed, interesting.
ksip: meeting? Are you referring to the blogger's meet at Chandigarh? Sorry, I could not make it.
Sandy: I could not agree with you more. Today's world with all it's materialistic tendencies treats a human being like a machine.
Sue: I hope your health is better now.
Matthew: It is an interesting coincidence indeed. What makes it even more interesting is that we are three people living in completely different parts of the planet, and yet we are thinking the same thing.
Unity in Diversity!
Living healthy---that's what I'm all about! :-) Especially after getting sick last year and nearly dying, I truly appreciate good health.
BTW, I like your blog re-design a lot! I've fixed my blog up too!
This is so true, Neo. I have a health problem that came from nowhere. I realize I have taken my health for granted. When I am well again, I will not forget how blessed we are with good health.
well the sad part is wake up when we are seriously ill..like I have now after chicken pox last month.
nice blog!!!
Very true. And we only realise that we use our little toe for every step we take only when it's wounded!
Such a common thing to do. That's where I was three weeks ago--joined a group to help me keep accountability for my health, and it's going well.
Hope you're feeling better now.
Happy BYBS ~
The Building Brows
So very true. We usually do not give a second thought to our health until something takes it or threatens it.
This is a timely reminder for me (even though I see to have arrived a week late). Let's hear it for serendipity ;--)
I learned this lesson the hard way decades ago and pay more attention to healthy habits these days, but when life gets too busy (as it's been of late) sometimes I slip up and illness strikes ... as if to remind me as you have here. Hope you're feeling better and taking better care with your choices.
Hugs and blessings,
its good that we do fall ill as a little reminder instead of dying straight away
a very sad happening in japan (and other countries) where people actually die of overwork (suddenly the old joke that no one ever died of hard work doesn't seem that funny anymore)
related readings on karoshi (death from overwork)
Health definately is wealth.
Ask me, i've seen when it's not.
I've seen poeple who know smoking is bad and are doctors themselves, smoke their lungs out. Temptations are difficult to resist I say. But we must try
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