March 30, 2009

BYBS : Good Things

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"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves." - Gautam Buddha

Life is not all good. Even though I would be one of the first to believe that it is, it is not. It has its good, and it has its bad. I often have discussions with people where they tell me that most of my ideas are mere whims and fancies of an impractical mind. They tell me that in life bad things happen to people who, sometimes, have done nothing to deserve it. I completely agree with them.

There is no doubt that life is not pure black and white. It comes in various shades of grey. But, the choice of what you see is yours alone.

Grey is a colour that is made when black and white colours are mixed together. So, though the colour in our lives might be grey, it is how we look at the mix that determines how our lives progress. It is said that there is great power in positive thinking. It is because positive thinking helps you separate the black and the white in the grey. By separating the black and the white, you can then focus only on the white, and push the black to the background.

Pushing black to the background is not like being the ostrich that buries its head in the sand, hoping to avoid danger by thus device. It is like looking at it, learning from it, but not dwelling on it for any longer than is necessary. On the other hand, focusing on the white is just the opposite. You look at it, learn from it, and then keep it in sight so that you are able to see all that is good in life.

By looking at what is good in life, you are able to believe that things will turn out good in the end. This belief helps you in giving your best to whatever it is that you are doing. When you put your best effort in anything, the chances of sucess in that thing improve dramatically. So, just by focusing on the white, you can greatly improve things in your life, and the grey in your life will start turning white.

Focusing on the black, will produce just the opposite results.

So, let us all try and believe that life is a beautiful thing, and live life in that spirit. And, if at all, we see any black anywhere, let us do our best to convert it to white!

With that thought I will sign off, with the hope that everyone has a great day and a great week ahead!


PERBS said...

You said:

"Pushing black to the background is not like being the ostrich that buries its head in the sand, hoping to avoid danger by thus device. It is like looking at it, learning from it, but not dwelling on it for any longer than is necessary. On the other hand, focusing on the white is just the opposite. You look at it, learn from it, and then keep it in sight so that you are able to see all that is good in life."

But I like to think of it (the black area) as a stepping block to reach the white area. One needs it to take them to the opposite "side" to be able to focus on the white area which is good for the soul. Our experiences of black could turn us in the right direction to white.

Just my thoughts. Your essays always give me something to muse about.

Thanks for dropping by.

Daisy said...

Such an inspiring post! No wonder you thought of starting BYBS! I agree with you that any blackness in one's life should be changed to white or better yet, yellow! To let the brightness shine!

My Journey said...

Great analogy. It's hard changing black to white sometimes but the ability to do so makes us happier people. I hope you enjoyed your BYBS.

SandyCarlson said...

I think we are what we think about and that if we focus on the dark or negative, we become it. Not to say we must avoid the bad things but we must approach it with the idea of transforming it.

Thanks for this thoughtful one, Neo!

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