May 15, 2006

An Old man Talks....

The ancient Hindu scriptures gave man an average life of one hundred years. These hundred years were, then, further subdivded into four equal quarters of twenty-five years each. For the first twenty-five years a man was supposed to leave home and devote himself completely to studies and lead a life of austerity and discipline. The next twenty five years were for enjoying a fruitful family life, the next twenty five involved trying to renunciate society and lead a very disciplined life and the last twenty five years were for breaking all social ties and becoming a monk.

I dont know if that is relevant anymore or was ever adhered to, even in the ancient times either, because we hear stories about great Kings getting married at very early ages. Perhaps even during those times, just like today, the rules were for meant for the general masses. But the fact that the rules arent followed doesnt change the fact that they are made after due deliberations and even the most flouted rule has something to back it up.

What's the worst way to celebrate a birthday? Well you have to make preparations for that in advance, after all its hard work to spoil the day that you were born on. So, some months in advance fill an application form for a tough entrance examination, preferably something that you have an aptitude and interest for. Then do not , I repeat, do not prepare for the exam at all, but all the while keep wishing that you will somehow be able to get through the test. Read about people who have cleared the test and made it big in their lives. Then on your Birthday go and attempt the paper. You will never feel more crappier in your whole life.


Anonymous said...


I think u r mixing the two things. This is not the way to spoil ur birthday. A thing like this wud have spoiled any day indeed and thats a coincidence that it happen to b ur b'day and it got spoiled. Nevertheless, u can take out positives from it, but its easier said then done. Trying for it again from scratch is not easy. But tough things are meant for tough ppl. And from whatever I know abt u, u have alvez been a fighter and never given up till u wanted not to. I wont quote anything here for the example. :-)
So, man, just plan for it. I think more than meticulous study, u need to plan ur studies. If u say that u were almost there, then u must also know by how much margin u wud have missed it. So, all u need is planning, if I m not worng. So, dont feel dejected anymore, cheer up and u'll surely get it. I m more than sure abt it. I cannot say it abt myself, but I can say that abt u. Alrite buddy??? Now esmile pleej!!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

buddy, you write well. I read many of your posts and learned a couple of things. Keep writing :)

Anonymous said...

hard luck buddy...there r times when we're confused whether to be happy or to be sad and in all this confusion to decide which state to be in, we spend out life.....btw, how'd the paper go?

Anonymous said...

too many questions to be answered ...well u tried creating a web of doubt and disbelief ...

Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

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