April 24, 2007

The Thinking Blogger Award

Cybercelt, at Texas RV travel blog, recently nominated me for the Thinking Blogger Award. Thank you very much Cybercelt!

Some time back,
SunKingPoet nominated me for the same award. I am really thankful to him too. Not only because he nominated me for the award, but also because he is the man who helped this blog have the template that it has now. I never really got an opportunity to thank him for that and I will use this post to say Thank you SunKingPoet.

Accepting the award, initiated by
the thinking blog, requires that I nominate five people for the award and follow the following simple rules:

1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote (here is an alternative
silver version if gold doesn't fit your blog).

So I nominate the following blogs for the award:

Otilius. A picture is worth a thousand words, they say, and proof of that can be found on this blog.

Youthcurry. A blog from the Indian blogosphere, dealing with Indian issues mostly but definitely one to stimulate some grey cells.

Stev. A blogger that I came to know about through a theme I started (BYB Sunday) and since then I have immensely enjoyed reading his posts.

Whatever. Another BYBer, who be really thoughtful when he wants to be. In his own words, “ Blather and Rants. Despite the name I do occasionally post something serious :-)”

Ender. I really can’t say much about this one. Just check it out and see if the posts make you think, the way they make me.


Unknown said...

Thank you for the nomination

Thoughts are likewise as I enjoy reading your anecdotes & thoughts from your own unique vantage

Here is a post in celebration of thinking

"To Thinking!"

SandyCarlson said...


Blue Panther said...

Stev: Thank you too!

Sandy: Thank you very much!

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