September 16, 2007

BYBS - A Phone Call

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As I sat here wondering about what I was going to post as my blessing this week, my phone rang.

It was not any number that I recognized. I picked up, and a voice that was very familiar to me a few years back greeted me. It was one of my best friends from college. And though we had not totally lost contact, we had hardly talked in the last six years.

Once the usual pleasantries were taken care of, we started talking about the old days and it was well over an hour before we finally hung up. Memories from the old days flooded me and left me nostalgic.

College days are one of the best days of one's life. It was the first time I was living away from home. Every decision had to be taken by me and the consequences were to be faced by me alone. Over the four years that I spent at college, I made a lot of mistakes, and paid for them too. But every mistake taught me something and, in some ways, prepared me for the life that lay ahead of me.

Over the last six years, the memories of the college days had begin to fade away as I had become more and more involved with the present. But this one phone call, and the talk we had, brought everything back into sharp focus. I was reminded of the fun we had, the mistakes I had made, and the resolve to never repeat any of the mistakes ever again.

It is strange how small, unexpected things sometimes affect us deeply. This phone call was one such thing for me. I got a chance to compare my present with my past and look at things from a different perspective. This, in turn, has made me aware of some small changes that I need to make in my present, so that I can be ready for the future.

Have a great Sunday, and a great rest of the week!


DoubleDeckerBusGuy said...

Hmmm... memories seem to be a bit of a theme this BYB Sunday!

Susan Demeter said...

Excellent! Sometimes hearing from an old friend can be a blessing indeed! Cheers! :)

SandyCarlson said...

It is wonderful when the camera zooms in on a memory and then pans out. Reunions are always interesting. It's like stepping into amber!

Glad you had a good conversation.

Beautiful memory!

Happy BYB Sunday!

hotdogman said...

Some of my best friends are from college days. I had a similar re-contact this summer. As a result, a group of us are going to homecoming weekend.

Friends are the greatest blessing of all!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes we just need a reminder to get back to what we are. Have a great week.

PlanetMars said...

It is always a blessing to have a friend who remains a "friend" despite the distance and lapse of time. Have a blessed week!

Unknown said...

mmm. Good one.

Looking back is always a good for moving forward =)

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