July 20, 2008

BYBS : Change

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I think I have written about change as a blessing once before. This week, once again, it is change that I write about as a blessing as a change has come about in my life as a blessing, or so I hope. In fact, it was this change that has prevented me from blogging at my regular pace for the last couple of weeks. In the past, it has been on a very rare occasion that I have failed to post a Blog Your Blessings Sunday post; last week was one such occasion.

Change happens whether we like it or not. We can close our eyes to it, but the change will sweep us off our feet and make us struggle to regain our balance. Therefore, it is always a better strategy to anticipate change, prepare for it and meet it head-on when it finally comes. Sometimes change comes about because we get tired of the current situation, and we want things to be different. At other times change comes as a natural order of things, even if we are satisfied with the current situation.

In my case, the change has come about as a natural order of things. To be honest, I must admit that there was not a lot about my past situation that was tiring and yet I felt that it was but a matter of time before something would change. So, I, as a preemptive measure, decided to bring about that change myself. The change was in the form of taking a break of my job, and going back to school. So, as some of you might know, I am back in school now for a course in Energy Management.

The tricky thing about change is that it is almost impossible to predict what the outcome of the change will be. One can plan and prepare for the change, but what finally happens depends on a variety of factors - some of which one has some control over, and some lie outside our domain of control. This holds true for my case too. What I am expecting from this change is really hard to say, yet the least I can do is hope that this is going to be a change for the better.

What it does to my blogging is another matter. I wonder if I will still get the time to blog regularly, and I don't know the answer to the question. What I do know is that I am going to try and update this blog as often as possible, so keep coming back and checking it out.

Have a great week ahead - a week that is full of positive changes for everyone!


Paulie said...

I missed you last week. Came back several times and thought for sure I had the wrong link. Great to see your post with the news of you being a student again! What you learn will surely benefit your job when you return to work. Study hard and learn a lot but be sure to take breaks for refreshing too. Blessings on this new endeavor!

SandyCarlson said...

I like the way you write about change. Good for you for making the first step. I hope that course works out for you.

Susan Demeter said...

Positive changes are a good thing :) Happy BYB Sunday Neo :)

Whatever said...

What do your studies in Energy Management entail?

storyteller said...

I once heard that ‘change is the only constant in life’ and have come to believe it’s true. I missed you the previous week and am late to visit this week (though I did post on time at Sacred Ruminations). Life’s been too busy for me to keep up, but I’m doing my best each day and that has to be good enough. I hope everything works out with this most recent change in your life.
Hugs and blessings,

Blue Panther said...

Whatever: Sorry, it took me so long to answer your question. It is essentially a general management course, with a little emphasis on Power (Electricity) management towards the end.

Anonymous said...

It is a good thing to be organized. This allows you to decide your priorities and to not work in the last minute mode.

You may find this article helpful:
I was a single parent, working full-time and returned to school. I do not think I could have done it without this system.

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