BlogRolling, the site, has been down for a long time now. Going by what is on their site now, it has been almost three months since the site has not been functioning the way it should. This is what they have to say on their site:
Hardware was installed and tested the week of January 5th as promised, now we’re just waiting on delivery of the final code. We ran into some UI issues and made a decision earlier this week to simply go with the old UI rather than try to jazz things up and protract the outage.
Our developers are working on the migration tools now to get your old data into the new system. With some luck, I’ll have a concrete relaunch date Friday coming, or possibly Monday at the latest.
Keep your fingers crossed with me, I will post more as soon as I get word back from the team.
I am sure they are trying their best to get the site back on, but then three months is a really long time. I have been using BlogRolling on this site to keep the BYB blogroll updated, but since the site has been down, I have neither been able to update the blog, nor have I been able to add new members to the blog.
As long as the site was working, I think they were providing a good service, and on top of it all it was a free service. Therefore, when the site went down I decided to wait for the site managers to get it back up. But, now I feel that the site is not going to be up any time soon, and even when it does, it is hard to say if it will be working in the same way as it previously did.
So, I think it is time to look for some alternatives for the BYB blogroll. Any suggestions?
That's too bad because it was the neatest blog roll. I loved the info you could find out by clicking on name and not even having to visit the site if they hadn't posted on that date. I surely miss that info now.
I have nothing to help. Sorry!
Try this:
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