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Last week was another busy one. I had exams, for which I was not prepared at all, and hence I had to miss BYB Sunday. I always say that lack of time is no excuse for anything at all. When you want to do something, you find a way; when you don't, you find an excuse! So, I guess, there must have been a lack of will on my part to do the BYB Sunday last week.
However, this Sunday, although I don't have much to say, I will not let any excuse stop me from posting. Especially, when yesterday was Valentine's day.
A few years back, hardly anyone knew about Valentine's day in India. But with the rapid strides made in the field of media, this day has become very popular now. From young to the old everybody is using this day to spread the message of love.
However, not all is well with Valentine's day in India. A section of the society feels that this day is promoting promiscuity among Indian youth. This section of the society has gone to the extent of using violence to discourage people from celebrating Valentine's day. There were reports of incidents of violence in some parts of the country, and a girl committed suicide after she was brought home by some people who had found her with her boyfriend.
India, for long, has been a traditional society. Sex is still considered a subject that is best discussed in the closed confines of a bedroom. Whatever the media might say, it is a fact that middle class and mid-town India still shies away from discussing sex with their children. And children, try their best to hide their relationships from their parents. Even in the bigger cities, though there has been a certain change in the way things are done, yet it is an undeniable fact that in India arranged marriages are still the most popular way of getting married. In smaller towns, barring a few exceptions, this is the only way of getting married.
So, for some people, it is very difficult to digest the change that is presently sweeping over the youth in the country. The youth, in their enthusiasm to embrace modernity, are showing utter disregard for the age old values. This is leading to a tricky situaktion, and eventually causing conflict.
However, no one way of acting or living one's life is better than another. But, I feel, the following points must be kept in mind:
1. Violence is a solution to no problem.
2. Every culture is rich and varied, and develops over a period of time due to various geographical, social, anthropological factors etc. Therefore, if any culture is different from another, there is a reason for that difference, and, therefore, the difference must be respected.
3. Culture is not a line on a stone. It is something ever-changing. It is our job to give the change a direction that is for the better.
4. Every culture has good things and bad things. It should be our effort to weed out the bad, and adopt what is good in to their cultures.
5. Lastly, Love is the greatest power of them all. So, Love one must.
I hope everyone had a great weekend!
I didn't know that some countries didn't celebrate Valentine's Day. . . it is nice that yours does now too.
Valentine's Day can be what you make of it. Those that disagree with the celebration because they think it leads to promiscuity or other "bad" things shoudl set the example of how to celebrate a holiday that expresses love.
Valentines are not just for boyfriend/girlfriend. It could be a family tradition that leads the way. I wish your country many Valentine Days filled with love of family, friends and country. I trust that you had a nice one this year.
It was great to see your comment -- I miss when you don't participate some weeks. Sometimes I feel like not participating but I try to get something up anyway just because it is one day of reflecting on how God has been good to me and featuring just one little blessing of the many in our lives. Even when we have had a crummy week, we should be able to find one blessing and take the time to acknowledge it.
I am sory this holiday has led to violence in India. That suicide story is a heart-breaker. Such a shame.
I remember reading about Valentine's Day with my daughter when she was smaller. Ages ago it was a holiday associated with the return of spring--and love, and pairing off. A beautiful time of renewal. Perhaps the beautiful spirit of things will prevail afte the resistance to change has settled down.
Glad you're back.
Saint Valentine was a Roman priest who married young couples against the wishes of Emperor Claudius II.
He was beheaded for his deeds on the 14th of February. I guess with that in mind, perhaps the violence is part of the holiday.
Sometimes, rituals and celebrations do not transfer from culture to culture. The Catholic church took a lot of pagan rituals and incorporated them into their holidays. This worked for them.
God bless and keep you.
Perbs: I agree with you on both points.
Those that disagree with the celebration because they think it leads to promiscuity or other "bad" things shoudl set the example of how to celebrate a holiday that expresses love.
I Agree.
Sometimes I feel like not participating but I try to get something up anyway just because it is one day of reflecting on how God has been good to me and featuring just one little blessing of the many in our lives. Even when we have had a crummy week, we should be able to find one blessing and take the time to acknowledge it.
I agree again!
Well, Happy Valentine's Day anyway! Love rules and is ever present and all powerful even without a day to celebrate it.
It always amazes me about India... a country with the marvellous temples at Khajuraho... which now brings trials (thankfully that ended with no charges,) against a couple that dared to smooch in public.
Love will always find a way :) I think India is growing just as the rest of the world is, and one day these types of things will be a distant memory or a lesson in a history book.
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