As soon as it is Monday most of us start hoping that it was Friday (for people with a 5 day week) or Saturday (for people like me, who have a 6 day week) so that it could be Sunday - the day for resting and relaxing - all over again. But then, on Sunday's, a strange sort of unease begins to take over as the morning turns into day and the day into night. It is the realization that tomorrow it will be Monday again; another week of working lies ahead.
Now, it might be just me or it may happen with everyone. Somehow, in spite of trying my best, I can not look forward to work. Maybe it is that I am not doing what I am built for, or maybe it is that I am just plain lazy. A couple of times I have had passing thoughts about quitting my current job and looking out for other options.
In recent times, because of some other things in life, this thought raised it's head all over again. But, just thinking about for a bit made me realize that things at work are not really all that bad, except for work being work. in fact, I realized that work is a blessing. Every day at work we learn new things about the work we do, about the people we work with, even about ourselves.
As Joseph Conrad says in his novel, The Heart of Darkness, "I don’t like work – no man does - but I like what lies in the work, - the chance to find yourself."
Other than that, having something to do through the week, something that pays for your needs and leaves you with enough time to pursue your hobbies and have some fun is a great blessing. Here, once again, I think we have a classic case of not appreciating what we have. As long as we have a job we heap tons of curses on it, and often say that anything would be better than what we are doing. But, I say, let's be glad that we are not doing just anything but the work that we do.
Have a great working week ahead!
I share the dread of work feeling. I think it's the fear that the creative and interested part of myself has to be boxed off for a while. It's weird. I should know by now that the creative an interested part of me will not be snuffed out, only delayed once in a while. Great post! Is that an image of your worplace?
Happy BYB Sunday.
Sandy: Happy BYB Sunday to you too! ... And that is indeed an image from my workplace.
Hmm... I think of another quote...
"Work is a great thing to make you forget who you are entirely."
- Nathaniel A. Benson
I find people, like Conrad, who's work consists of them being "creative", tend to forget about us worker-bee drones and how our work can be a little soul-crushing.
I would agree with your final thought, though... the blessing of work is the reward of being able to pursue other things AFTER you finish the jobs.
Hate to be a downer on this one, but perhaps it's because my BEST and more IMPRESSIVE blog posts are written in my head en route to work... and within ten minutes, thanks to the usual turmoil and questions, are erased for all eternity into the ether in favour of my brain looking after business.
Unfortunately, as you know, we need work because we need money in order to be at least a little comfortable while we're here. The trick is to find something that fits so good with who you are that it doesn't matter if you're on duty. And that's not too easy, but a blessing in itself.
BTW, can you knock some people off this blog roll who've given up blogging or who haven't posted a Sunday in months?
doubledeckerbusguy: That is another good quote.
Sometimes, I too, get some good ideas on my way to work, and forget them in the routine of the day. But, I guess, that is life.
Jumpback: I could not agree with you more. We need work and all we can try to do is find something that fits.
I have taken a couple of blogs off the blogroll in the past weeks and if there are others that don't participate or don't want to participate, they will be taken off too. If you have some names in mind, you can name them.
If we can find something goodly or rewarding in what we do for a living then that is a blessing indeed!
Happy BYB Sunday!
Live is too short to work at something you do not enjoy. Never quit a job without having another, but you may want to start thinking about what you enjoy doing and see if you can make a living doing it.
You are restless in your life, thinking and job. It may be time for a change, my friend.
work! gah!
actually i do enjoy what i do despite the headaches, hours & dealing with many people with different needs/viewpoints
i enjoy the flexibility, the sense of accomplishment, and knowing that i'm part of the group of dedicated people making a difference
mmm. work was a good choice from you this week.
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