October 9, 2007

10 days to go...

If you have visited this blog in the past few months, you might have noticed a button in the side bar that claims :"This blog was nominated for Best Entertainment Blog". Well, that button wont be there for long now, because in about ten days from now voting for The Blogger's Choice Awards 2007 will be done and over with.

Now, who doesn't want to win an award or two. And I am no different. When I heard about the awards, some months ago, I went overboard and went to the extent of nominating myself. I don't know if that was a good idea or not , but as things stand now, I have still managed to stay in the top ten, and your vote could bump me a little higher. So, if you have registered with Blogger's Choice Awards, just click on the image below to vote for this blog. If you have not, then you still have ten days to register and vote for this blog.

Also, if you remember, some time ago, I started a new blog and that blog is also nominated at BCA in the Blogitzer category. When I last checked it was at no. 4, so a few votes from you can help me get that blog into the top 3. Though, it may be asking for a little too much, but could you click on the image below and vote for neobluepanther.com for The "Blogitzer" .

Thank you!

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