August 2, 2009

BYBS : Friendship Day!

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Anyone who knows me, or reads this blog, knows that I am not a big fan of the trend of naming days after relationships. I believe that every day should be a day when we nurture our relationships, and remember our friend and relatives. My first reaction, therefore, on receiving the various friendship day messages and emails in the morning was one of irritation, and annoyance.

As the day progressed, I received some messages from friends who, I must admit, I had all but forgotten about. I couldn't help but wonder: How did that happen?

Sometimes, we think we believe in something, when we actually don't. We convince ourselves that we believe in it, and we have ourselves completely fooled. While going about the funny business of living our lives, we hardly get a chance to put ourselves, and our theories, to the test. Maybe a part of us doesn't want to take these tests, in case we fail. But, every once in a while, life will provide us with an opportunity to test our theories and, sometimes, the result may surprise us.

This happened to me today. I thought I was paying enough attention to all the friends in my life, but now I think I don't. In fact, I now think that our lives today have become so fast paced, that it is simply not possible to pay attention to all the aspects of our lives. We need to get our priorities straight, and try to do the best we can in the time that is given to us. The "best we can" is a relative phrase, and once again it provides us with an excuse. Wen we fail. we quickly say, " I tried to do the best I can, and yet..."

You can, perhaps, fool the whole world with that, but you can never fool yourself. When you haven't given it your best, you know it. Whatever you might tell others, you know you could have done more. However, I digress. We were talking about friendship day.

Whatever the reasons for the origin of this day might be, I am glad that today is friendship day. It made me think about all the friends in my life - from my early days to today. I am thankful to all of you for having helped me through all these years. I am sure I would not be what I am today, if it was not for you guys.

Wishing everyone a very happy friendship day.

I am posting a couple of videos from Bollywood movies that celebrate the spirit of friendship. Also, these are songs that I have always liked (especially the sad version of Yeh Dosti).

This is the sad version of the same song:


SandyCarlson said...

How cool. What a realization. All these things taken in moderation or with an open mind can be helpful. Have to love the sincere stuff!

PERBS said...

Hmmm I seem to remember something about this special day from you last year. . . could I be wrong?

I am a little late with the time differences but I hope you had a wonderful friendship day -- it sounds like you did with your essay above.

Good friends will always be there even when you think you have forgotten them.

CyberCelt said...

Happy Friendship Day, Neo. I have been neglecting my friends because of my health. When I am ill, I just want to crawl up somewhere and be alone. It leaves my friends feeling like I do not need them.

Happy BYBS. Have a great week.

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